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I'm a dramaturg, writer, and collaborator for stage projects. From 'proper theatre' to solo shows, comedy, autobiographical, dance, and clowning around.
I mainly work in devised settings ('what if we did this?') but have been an associate on new writing, physical theatre, Early Modern, and community projects.
...I am adapting an acclaimed novel for a major theatre festival in 2025. Details TBA.
...I adapted Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead with Complicité.
"brilliantly poached for the stage… by Laurence Cook" - The Observer
​I co-created Neporrhoids! a solo musical(ish) with UK No.1 singer-songwriter Jake Roche, for Edinburgh Finge 2024.
Plus, the fifth collaboration with acclaimed theatremaker and performer Josie Dale-Jones: A Little Inquest Into What We're All Doing Here.
In 2023, I created an original fantasy play for young audiences at JES. It's a hero story about why we don't need heroes, we need people who can work together.
With the extraordinary this egg, I co-created a show about sex and pleasure for family audiences. It never reached public audiences because... well, you can buy me a drink if you want that story.
Also with this egg... I helped develop motherearth, a show about ecological disaster and mums.
Lots more on the CV... if you want it then do get in touch.
Back in the mists of time (2012), I did the Royal Court Young Writers' Programme and now I read scripts for theatres and Playwright's Studio Scotland.
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